Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Me feet feel great!

Ooooh, my feet feel lovely!
Just been for my yearly treat - a visit to Sole Sisters in Brighton. Lovely Jane made my feet feel a treat! So that's what i call my yearly feet m.o.t, and I'm all set for the year ahead feet wise.

On the knitting front, I have some dark brown handspun yarn that I'm going to make into a scarf for my hubby, I'm dithering over what size needles to use. I've been on the interweave website, and vaguely learned about wpi (wraps per inch) - so I'm off to find my old school ruler and hopefully choose the right size!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This morning..

I went to the ME/CFS support meeting at the Lewes Riverside Cafe, I had a lovely breakfast and a great view of the Harveys Brewery!

The staff are great there, really helpful and cheerful - really worth a visit if you've never been there before.

I enjoyed the train journey, I love seeing the fields and greenery, the weather was so hot and humid I was getting bugged by storm flies, those little black blips that irritate your skin - euch!

Day One in the Big Blogger House . . .

Well, Day One - let's try again!

Just finding my way around Blogger, this is my latest go at blogging - this is work in progress and will probably take many goes, lots of rest breaks, lots of caffeine and chocolate = one over worked very fried brain cell!

I'll be back..