Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Bug's caught me!

Yep! I got the bug! Sitting surrounded by tissues and about to put my head under a towel over a hot bowl of steaming water with menthol and eucalyptus - oh joy! I didn't appreciate being woken in the night by sneezing and bunged nose - but looking out of the window now there is a colourful misty sunrise, oh my the sky is so gorgeous - I must grab my camera! I wouldn't have seen this if it hadn't been for the sneezles..

I've taken these photos, but as I sit here looking out of the window, there continues to be amazing changes in the sky and clouds, can see what looks like aeroplane trails lit up by sunlight, streaks of peachy pinks. Oooo, preetttyy :)

Can't remember now what I was going to write about! lol! Easily distracted, that's me ;)

Ahh, knitting.. yes.. my latest knitting project is coming along well, it's a baby's hooded cardigan in Sirdar Snuggly DK. The pattern is in Sirdar First Steps 292 booklet, Project number 19.

Back to the steam inhale now, sniff sniff..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Another week in paradise..

Get the health grumble over and done quickly, my health has continued to be erratic, have had a number of bad days/nights to contend with plus usual (and unusual) everyday life - but as this seems now to be my 'normal' - on the whole have been coping ok I suppose. Fatigue and Brain Fog feels heavier this week, I'm not always getting in proper quality sleep, or rest in the day time - so there I guess somewhere lies the answer? I need to focus back on the course advise, I've lapsed a bit. I also suspect my sniffles are an impending bug, as some of the family are feeling poorly with cold bugs? Eugh..

Happier more fun topics! Knitting has really been fun lately despite my fatigue!.
I have the most WIPs at one go ever OTNs! (work in progress projects) - I've something on the needles to suit my varying energy and brain abilities!

I've got:
* Baby Cardigan with Hood
* Spring Forward Socks
* Ishbel Shawl
* Wash Cloth/ Kitchen Cloths
* Petersburg Cardigan
* Irish Hiking Scarf

The recent news from our son and dil means I've been happily choosing baby patterns to do for them! lol. I love knitting small cute clothes for tinies :)

At the weekend I cast on for a hooded baby cardigan using Sirdar Snuggly DK and Sirdar First Steps 292 book, Pattern Project 19 - (more details on my Ravelry).

My darling hubby recently gave me a lovely gift of a set of Knit Pro Symfonie Interchangeable cirular needles! I am over the moon, they are gorgeous! We got them from Get Knitted and they were really fast processing the order and I got them within a week! I'm so pleased with them, I'm now using them to knit the Ishbel shawl. My hubby is so supportive of my hobby, he loves home knit things. Nice to have him 'on side' lol! It still doesn't stop him rolling his eyes, when I 'just couldn't resist that yarn..', yet again.. (sigh)

Attaching a few photos

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Knitting Update and Cloth Swap Gifts

I received my Cloth Swap parcel today from Studentka - and opening the parcel revealed a vibrant red/pink/white dishcloth in Peaches & Crème (my fave cotton cloth yarn), a lovely pot of moisturiser, a very useful note pad, a postcard and a yummy bar of chocolate - which has since been three quarters eaten! The cloth has pride of place in my little kitchen corner in my bedroom :)

My other knitting projects have ground to a bit of a halt due to flare ups, I've made a number of washing up cloths in plain cotton from my stash, and joined on the next ball of yarn to the Irish Hiking Scarf, so I'm more than half way through it now.

My first learner attempts at starting a lace shawl for my mum needs to be frogged and restarted again, I'll get there but it may take a few goes! My yarn overs are a bit dodgy and my centre stitch is far from centred!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well, I shouldn't go short on cloths for a while..

My health hasn't been too bright lately with the ol' cfs/me thang driving me up the wall, making me feel unhappy and useless! Knitting, amongst other things, has been too much to pick up, I have several projects on the go and haven't had energy or focus for them.

I got really fed up of myself so I turned to knitting some easy washcloths after taking part in a cloth swap on Phoenix Forum. My swap buddy said she loved hers, and hubby took a shine to them and 'comissioned me' to make him some for some chocolate! He says to me that I have a job for life now! LOL! I think I will be putting my prices up though..

The good thing with these cloths is I can make them without too much strain on the joints etc, and they are even dead easy to make if I've taken to my bed. I use short 4mm needles, so any night knitting I manage to keep to my side of the bed without causing any danger to hubby sleeping.

I have a bit of an addiction going at the moment for Peaches & Creme 100% Cotton Yarn, I've made two orders so far from Create & Knit. Super fast service and delivery from them, that's helping my new addiction! There are soooo many colours, plain and patterned - I'll be going back a good few times before I'm bored.

Also loving the new Phoenix Forum - it's such a lovely community of knitters - and great company when I'm having bad days - to be able to dip in and join in the chat, see other knitters work and learn something along the way. A great distraction and uplifting too.

Added a few photos of my latest creations ;)