Friday, June 26, 2009

Let's see if I can add more photos..

Why is it when I see sheep now - I wonder about wool, and my hubby thinks of lamb chops ..

We laughed when we saw this little dogs lead - we'd not seen the like before! LOL!

We went to the Heathfield Show and the Steyning Country Fair in May, which were both lively and interesting, loads of good natured people all gathering for a good time. It was lovely to see so many youngsters getting involved too.

Baaa for now..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One photo

Our  poor pc isn't coping,  can  only upload one photo and type one letter every 4 seconds

Onward and Upward..

I can't believe Firefox has crashed twice and lost my work! Wahhh!

As I said twice before..

A challenging couple of months has been full of health issues and family - and I am so very tired but looking forward.
Won't labour over reasons, but hopefully with this lately change of medication I shall be leaping cartwheels by August?? LOL! I wish!

My hobbies are all on hold as I use my energies for every day living - I have a list of things to do and can't wait till energy and mojo merge so I can get to finish them.

I have managed to get out a few times into the lovely sunshine - could this be summer?
Hope I haven't spoken to soon..