Monday, September 22, 2008

Catching up again...

Just come back from a week down devon way - so nice down there, shame about the weather, but at least it was more reasonable than last week and August!! The accomodation was self catering and it was just lovely.

Catching up on the Knitting front, I at last finished my socks that I started about 2 years ago at the begining of the month!
I was so chuffed and quickly cast on the next lot while the enthusiasm was high and I had enough battery! LOL! The penny seemed to drop, and I was enjoying knitting them.

Knitting the first of the second pair of socks seemed easier, and I feel more relaxed with the dpns now.
I took the 'second' second sock on hols with me, and I finished casting off on Saturday (but hadn't cut the yarn thankfully) when I noticed a run/ hole near the toe! I was mortified for a moment, how did that happen?!

Yesterday I used a circlular needle to pick through stitches below the start of the toe, and knitted back up to the start of the toe decrease - so hopefully I shall be finished on my SECOND pair of socks tomorrow forces permitting!

I joined Rowan last Friday afternoon, as when we visited Bovey Tracey I popped into Spin A Yarn, to say hello - and fell for a Rowan cardigan up on a hanger - will try to find a picture later when I get the magazine/pattern, and I'll blog it's progress when I get around to starting it. I've got the yarn ready in anticipation!
First though I have socks to make and our grandaughters Tiger jumper that I started in January!
Love our little grandaughters t shirt!

On the CFS/ME front, I coped pretty well with the holiday, albeit at a very slow pace and minding everything and planning ahead carefully with lots of rest breaks, a few blips but I hope that my trial self therapy etc using the info in the book I recently bought, and the beefy multivitamins and omega tablets and DRibose sugar played a big part in surviving the week - still got a way to go but you have to keep optimistic and give things a chance. Needless to say (to those of you who know CFS/ME from personal experience) you won't be suprised to hear I spent a good deal of time over the weekend resting still and sleeping in bed with flare up and exhaustion!

Back to pacing, so I will 'sensibly' sign off now.

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