Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Needles Galore!

Wow, I finally got around to listing my knitting needles on Ravelry at long last. Worthy of a mention, considering I've been wanting to do this for months and months. I didn't realise how many I had, from my nicest ones that hubby bought me, to not so good freebie ones from magazines and some hand-me-downs. I even found my 'learner' knitting needles, old size UK 10's , aawwww..

I took a couple of photos amidst my chaos today: the pile of knitting needles on the bed and my messy table with knitting stuff all over it, burying the keyboard and making the pc bleep!

Last night was the first night in maybe months, I've lost track - that I managed a better number of hours sleep. I woke up with a sense of relief to find that it wasn't 2 a.m or 4 a.m!
The weather has been fine and bright today, and cheering to see - it was pleasant to open the windows and hear the songs the birds were singing. What was that bird? The one that sounded like a squeaky supermarket trolley?

As the sun is going down, I'm feeling better than I did yesterday, and I've achieved something that's been bugging me for months :) ;) Not bad at all..

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