Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Retraining my Amygdala

Re training my Amygdala - well I thought I knew roughly what to expect, and I was vaguely roughly right. After doing this programme for less than a week, the effect on my 'being' feels somewhow indescribable? Maybe in time the words will form, this is meant in a positive sense, not negative.

So far it feels worth the money - and I do believe I will get great benefit out of it and achieve better health. There's loads of information to take in, watching and participating a session a day - and needs commitment to the programme to get the best out of it. I'm on day 5, after a bit of a down day yesterday I am encouraged by todays session. There will probably be more days like that and that's accepted.

I have a link to the right of my blog page under ME/CFS for Ashok Gupta's retraining programme if you are interested in finding information. Ashok also had ME/CFS and has fully recovered!

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