Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How I saw in the New Year..

I saw the new year in, in a very unusual way..

31st December was my Septoplasty op day - to hopefully improve my breathing and more (fingers very crossed..)

I hardly slept at all on the Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Having not had any operations before, my mind was on hyperdrive - second guessing this or that, have we prepared the spare bedroom enough? Had I forgotten anything..?

We were all prepared the evening before - I wasn't allowed to eat so that was one less thought to think about. My dear hubby drove us there to the hospital, and he stayed with me all day (apart from the op bit of course.) We found our way to Ansty Ward - and I was shown to my bed and then slowly other people started to arrive for their operations.

I settled myself down with my knitting - I could barely concentrate and gave up after getting perhaps a sixth of the way through a dishcloth! No - I hadn't taken anything too taxing! Each patient in turn was seen for the pre op checks from the nurses, anaesthetist, and ward doctors.
Happily mine were all fine for the go ahead. I found I was 3rd on the list - making mine due about 11 o'clock.

Time took a life of it's own, sort of drifted slow motion - but fast at the same time? No, it doesn't make sense to me either!

At quarter to eleven, wearing my elegant blue gown and anti dvt white stocking socks with peeka boo toes - I daintily heaved myself onto the surgical bed ready for 'the unknown-ish'.
I'd seen one lady return from her op after coming round and being wheeled back to our ward, and the second sent off on her way for anaesthetic. So I was getting a good picture forming.

We agreed to kiss and say ttfn to each other before they wheeled me off, so that done I was sitting on my own for barely 2 minutes and there the guys were - ready to wheel me for anaesthetic too!

Now this was an experience I'd not had before - very quick and proffesional! The slapping my hand furiously to encourage a vein I was not prepared for!! "Ouch!' I exclaimed - and I think I got some sort of comment along the lines of - 'this isn't even the op yet!!' LOL! My veins only have to hear the word 'needle' and they hibernate very deeply!
Well, to my left the line and anaesthetic were being dealt with, to my right all the monitoring stuff being stuck and clipped to me. I could vaguely see the sleepy stuff going in - and the lady to my right asking if I'd had anything planned later today, I answered 'No, nothing planned' - The liquid into the tube was gone - and I remember a wierd floaty sensation and a taste - I could hear myself saying "Taste, Taste.. Taste" and that was the last I remember.

Next thing I remember is waking in the recovery room with an oxygen mask over my face. I remember thinking - 'that was quick', and 'whoa, nice drugs..!' and a feeling of imobile heaviness I'd not experienced before. I don't know quite how long I was in the recovery room, I drifted in and out of concious and a feeling that there was monitoring stuff still attached to me. Eventually I was wheeled back to the ward, where a few moments later my hubby appeared with a huge smile on his face.

The next few hours was spent slowly coming back to the real world, drinking water, drinking tea and eating a cake hubby had bought me (because I didn't fancy the thought of an nhs sandwhich) feeling and being sick, attempting to re find my legs, feet and balance and show them I was ok to go home later.
I was really struggling to get up and for a while thought I might end up in over night.
Still, after some great anti sickness drug and some determination - I was given the ok to go.
The staff there were great!

My hubby drove us very carefully home, as I sat in the car with what I can only describe as a 'hammock' type dressing tied around my head and under my nose and a hospital disposable sicky bowl and a small box of tissues. My nose as you can guess was a bit drippy with the *red wine stuff! (*reworded for the squeamish). I barely remember the journey home, only that I was aware hubby was really gentle going round corners and over bumps.

When we got home, our daughter made us a lovely cup of tea - and I went up to bed. I had arranged my bed the day before, so nothing to do but rest - what a relief. I have 3 V Pillows and an ordinary pillow, so that I can sleep safely upright which will be better for healing my nose and breathing. Barely any sleep that night - 5 minutes, 10 minutes here and there - a continuous drippy weeping nose - but then what my poor nose had been through that was to be expected.

So New Years Eve into New Years Day was spent dozing and listening to everyones fireworks from my bed! This is a long post - thank you for reading if you've got this far!

I'm doing well recovering from the op - I'm pleased to say.
Happy New Year!

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